White Crime and White Privilege in the Jim Crow Southwhytheracecardisplayed1 min readUpdated: May 1, 2023Rated 0 out of 5 stars.No ratings yet#whiteprivilege In the Jim Crow South, African Americans were criminalized. The flip side of that coin, asserts Tammy Ingram, was the decriminalization of whites. Ingram reveals how local authorities tolerated, enabled, and at times actively collaborated with white mobsters in Phenix City, Alabama.Amy Wood and Natalie Ring, eds., Crime and Punishment in the Jim Crow South University of Illinois Press, 2019Other Sources: White Crime and White Privilege in the Jim Crow South
#whiteprivilege In the Jim Crow South, African Americans were criminalized. The flip side of that coin, asserts Tammy Ingram, was the decriminalization of whites. Ingram reveals how local authorities tolerated, enabled, and at times actively collaborated with white mobsters in Phenix City, Alabama.Amy Wood and Natalie Ring, eds., Crime and Punishment in the Jim Crow South University of Illinois Press, 2019Other Sources: White Crime and White Privilege in the Jim Crow South