The persistence of racismwhytheracecardisplayed1 min readUpdated: May 1, 2023Rated NaN out of 5 stars.#whiteprivilegePanel talks about the opportunities (education, employment) that whites have in America but blacks still don't.The harms of racism are soul-destroying for the whole community. We need to work together and talk together in such a way that we don't dwell on shame or despair. Hope transforms, and hope will allow us to move through discomfort to understanding and honest reconciliation.A deeper conversation is the responsibility of the beneficiaries of the sin and brokenness. It is uncomfortable to own up to the racism within our own selves, and it's necessary. It is not up to persons of color to make it easier to understand, or to educate more clearly, or to smooth out the broken edges.
#whiteprivilegePanel talks about the opportunities (education, employment) that whites have in America but blacks still don't.The harms of racism are soul-destroying for the whole community. We need to work together and talk together in such a way that we don't dwell on shame or despair. Hope transforms, and hope will allow us to move through discomfort to understanding and honest reconciliation.A deeper conversation is the responsibility of the beneficiaries of the sin and brokenness. It is uncomfortable to own up to the racism within our own selves, and it's necessary. It is not up to persons of color to make it easier to understand, or to educate more clearly, or to smooth out the broken edges.