'Proof of Systemic Racism'. Throughout history, in today's society, in America and abroad.
Michael Bloomberg’s Most Racist Quotes: Stop and Frisk, Redlining and Worse in His Own Words
To win black support, Bloomberg acknowledges white privilege
8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds
Senator posts racist email from a constituent to show bigotry is ‘alive and well’ in SC
GOP candidate says opponents of racist voter ID law are the real racists
How We Can Attack Systemic Racism
Racism claims and 'forced labour camps': The most controversial new Tory MPs who won seats in...
Virginia panel says racist laws should be purged
Georgia councilman's defiant opposition to interracial marriage leads to his resignation
Undercover filming reveals shocking racism inside the campaign of Brexit Party candidate
A record number of Republicans continue to resign from the House
Texas Republican Rick Miller drops out of race after racist remarks toward Asian opponents
Racist laws still on the books: Virginia
Former state Rep. Mike Pitts made anti-immigrant and racially charged remarks seemingly at odds with
General election: Tory suspended after saying Holocaust events were 'exaggerated'
Tory candidate faces calls to quit over 'disgusting racism'
Whitewash Complex Racial History
Nominees Share History of Slavery, Plantations, Segregation Academies in Natchez Senate Race
Hyde-Smith Attended an All-White ‘Segregated Academy’ to Avoid Integration
Segregation-Era Laws STILL on the Books in the U.S.
Pete Buttigieg: 'Systemic racism is a white problem'
White Supremacist Attacks Have Grown Deadlier During Trump’s Presidency
Higher taxes, more violence against black politicians during Reconstruction era
Whites, Blacks, and Racist Democrats: The Untold Story of Race and Politics Within the Democratic...
Do Africans come to America and do better than African Americans?
Systemic Racism in Canada